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Tammy Stelmachowich

Tammy Stelmachowich

I started working for Black Press Media in 1999, taking a year off to travel before diving into my career. I began my journey in Salmon Arm, moved on to Sicamous, and then to Vernon, Revelstoke, Winfield, and back to Vernon again. During that time, I've had the opportunity to work in various departments, including classifieds, sales, office management, ad design, publishing assistance, and even photography and writing. Eventually, I found my place in the Vernon Circulation department, where I worked as a manager for over 10 years. I was the Regional Circulation Manager and I oversaw distribution and flyering in several areas, including Vernon, Lumby, Armstrong, Salmon Arm, Chase, Sicamous, and Revelstoke. When I'm not working, I'm a mother of two grown sons and a grandmother of two beautiful granddaughters.

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